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斷裂翡翠手鐲是否值得花錢修復 Is it worth it to repair a broken jade bangle?
斷裂翡翠手鐲是否值得花錢修復 Is it worth it to repair a broken jade bangle?

斷裂翡翠手鐲是否值得花錢修復 Is it worth it to repair a broken jade bangle?

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值得投資”實驗室鑽石”Lab Grown Diamond 嗎?Is it worth it to buy lab grown diamonds?

值得投資”實驗室鑽石”Lab Grown Diamond 嗎?Is it worth it to buy lab grown diamonds?

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美猴王齊天大聖,鍾馗活𤫊活現 - 精湛雕刻工藝令翡翠升值 How Exquisite Carvings Enhances the Value of Jadeite

美猴王齊天大聖,鍾馗活𤫊活現 - 精湛雕刻工藝令翡翠升值 How Exquisite Carvings Enhances the Value of Jadeite

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挑選翡翠顏色的4字口訣 Four criteria you must know to choose the color of jadeite

挑選翡翠顏色的4字口訣 Four criteria you must know to choose the color of jadeite

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選購翡翠時的一個重要口訣 An important formula when purchasing Jadeite

選購翡翠時的一個重要口訣 An important formula when purchasing Jadeite

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玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite?

玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite?

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美麗的誤會, 不應犯的錯誤。如何解讀翡翠鑑定證書 | Don’t misunderstand the jadeite identification report!

美麗的誤會, 不應犯的錯誤。如何解讀翡翠鑑定證書 | Don’t misunderstand the jadeite identification report!

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家傳之寶是真是假? 綠色石頭不一定是翡翠! Is the family heirloom real or fake? Not all green gemstones are Jadeite!

家傳之寶是真是假? 綠色石頭不一定是翡翠! Is the family heirloom real or fake? Not all green gemstones are Jadeite!

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內地公幹受騙,欲哭無淚! A true case of someone falling into the trap while purchasing Jadeite

內地公幹受騙,欲哭無淚! A true case of someone falling into the trap while purchasing Jadeite

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